Part of trying to enjoy this all-too-short and all-too-busy break has been forcibly slowing myself down and indulging in some fun little crafting for myself - accessories stuff, mostly. I have been consciously and purposefully engaged in rediscovering one of my best skills: my ability to make a thorough mess of a room. The living room is covered in neat tupperware storage boxes, their contents of beads, thread, lace, paint, glue, brushes, tools, etc. strewn everywhere. How liberating to stop cleaning and enjoy dirtying the place up for a change! And how nice to treat myself to some of my crafting.
Two of the three current projects in process are done (my Louise-Black-inspired hair ornament is coming together):

Aha! My piece de resistance! I have been searching and SEARCHING for brooch frames! Who knew it would take so long to find one?
This has been something I've wanted to do since late summer. I finally found one at Antiques Alley yesterday and snapped it up (along with these white elbow-length leather gloves!) I know, I know, I'm a terrible nerd, but this makes me laugh ridiculously, and I plan to pin it neatly to a cardigan for my first day of teaching next quarter, just to see if my students notice. The embroidery is quite small - I sturdied the back by stitching it around a nickel - so they'll have to squint.
I love this website. You are too fun. I enjoy how you enjoy your creativity! I wish you were my friend. you have great taste and originality and have that joy of life. Keep it all up so I can follow you on your blog.
This is genius!! Did your students notice?
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